About Me

Hi, I’m Jasmine - The Bayside Doula. I’m a mum of two living in Brisbane’s Bayside. I’m also a student of psychology and of course, a postpartum doula.

I have always wanted to work in service of people; supporting those struggling to thrive. After my first baby I became obsessed with all things motherhood and over the years I have learnt how complicated this role is and how care of mothers and babies requires far more individualisation than is generally provided in mainstream healthcare.

I was drawn specifically to postpartum work after I birthed my second baby. To avoid some of the challenges I experienced with my daughter, and with the knowledge I had gained as a new mother, I prepared for my boy’s birth as if I was my own Doula. I organised a meal train, wrote a birth map, prepared many litres of bone broth, arranged weekly cleaning and support…and more. And it worked. I experienced the ‘bubble’ with my newborn that I had visualised (and missed out on with my first). It was so blissful that I kept saying, “I could have a third!”

My fourth trimester wasn’t without its challenges. My husband felt unsupported, my older child eventually felt the big emotions that come with gaining a new sibling, and when my baby was five weeks old our backyard chooks got bird lice and infected the whole house! Gee life is messy.

My experiences, the good and bad, taught me that new mothers need so much more than a few freezer meals and a couple of midwife home-visits, and that every woman’s experience of becoming a mother is unique. As a postpartum doula my support is varied and lasts long after the first six weeks. My goal is to tailor my support to you and your family wherever you are, physically and emotionally. Whatever fills you with feelings of peace, joy and love - that’s what I aim to provide.

Want to know more? I’m an open book. Give me a call ✆ 0435 329 717

Postpartum Support Client

“For any expecting mum in the area I would highly recommend hiring Jasmine to be apart of your postpartum journey”

Postpartum Support Client

“Jasmine was warm, caring and understanding. We connected instantly and I felt very comfortable with her. I really appreciated having someone to look after me during the postpartum period!”

Qualifications and Experience

Newborn Mothers Collective Postpartum Professional

Newborn Mothers Collective Breastfeeding Course

Certificate of Postnatal Massage - Pregnancy Massage Australia

Bachelor of Arts (Extended Major in Psychology) - The University of Queensland

Enrolled - Bachelor of Psychological Science - University of New England

Over six years of experience in childcare and running a charity

CPR Kids Baby and Child First Aid certificate

Mother of two

Whether you’re ready to book or unsure, let’s have a chat.

The Bayside Doula Jasmine Meek complimentary cuppa and chat postpartum doula package

Book a call with me to discuss your needs or arrange an obligation-free in-person cuppa - I’ll come to you.


"There are so many words and thank you's I would like to say to Jasmine for her encouragement and support, which made my postpartum journey as easy as possible. Jasmine taught me as much as I could learn about the world of postpartum recovery and shaped my thinking of how this period of my new life could be as healthy and as positive as possible, by empowering me with resources, sharing experiences and providing very practical support. Jasmine also opened my eyes to accepting support, taking care of myself and she also normalised everything for me, which has had a tremendous influence on my life as a new Mum and a human being. I am grateful for the impact she has had on me as a mother and a woman. I hope Jasmine will continue to help other Mum's find more moments of peace in their parenting world, which is sometimes filled with sources of anxiety, fear and worry. Instead, Jasmine's postpartum support allows you to live more of the Mum-life you want to be living. The amount of love, support and inspiration Jasmine provides is second to none. I feel blessed to have enjoyed being able to share my postpartum journey with her."

— Postpartum Support Package Client


[doo-lah] noun

a woman who serves

Are you pregnant or postpartum, living in Brisbane?

Join my private facebook group where I share helpful tips, webinars, and offers. Plus join a community of women who value motherhood and care for mothers.